Research Funding
The Research Funding Unit offers LMU researchers an integrated advisory service on the funding programs of numerous national and international institutions, including the European Union.
We provide information on the respective requirements, guidelines, application deadlines and evaluation criteria, and advise on the program-related design of each specific project. From individual projects to large collaborative proposals, we support our researchers in the application process.
Open Science, Open Access and research data management play an increasingly important role in the design and implementation of externally funded projects.
Important funding bodies such as the DFG, the BMBF and the European Commission have introduced corresponding policies and set specific guidelines for their implementation in project proposals. In the EU research framework program “Horizon Europe”, Open Science is standard for all projects. When submitting funding proposals to the German Research Foundation (DFG), information on research data management is mandatory in almost all programs.
We will inform you about the relevant requirements of the funding bodies and advise you on the appropriate implementation of Open Science and research data management for your project. The focus of our services is on the application phase of research projects.