The GraduateCenter LMU is the central coordination, advisory and service facility for doctoral studies at Ludwig-Maximilians-Universität München.
The service is addressing the following target groups:
Graduates and doctoral candidates
In addition to information and advice on all aspects of doctoral studies, the GraduateCenter offers a wide range of events focusing on further interdisciplinary qualification, together with funding opportunities such as travel and graduation grants.
In addition to information and advice on all aspects of doctoral studies, the GraduateCenter offers a wide range of events focusing on further interdisciplinary qualification, together with funding opportunities such as travel and graduation grants.
Supervisors and coordinators
The GraduateCenter offers advice and support relating to the design, application and implementation of structured doctoral programs, together with funding opportunities for doctoral events.
Offers related to research data management include events (e.g. in the “Kurz & bündig” format) and a Moodle course developed in cooperation with the University Library:
E-learning course “Research data and research data management”
Registration for the course is via Moodle, the steps are as follows:
Login: LMU Benutzerkennung / User ID
German version
Kursname / Course name: “Forschungsdaten und Forschungsdatenmanagement”
Einschreibeschlüssel / Enrollment Key: GC_FDM_2022
Kursname / Course name: “Forschungsdaten und Forschungsdatenmanagement”
Einschreibeschlüssel / Enrollment Key: GC_FDM_2022
English version
Kursname / Course name: “Research Data and Research Data Management”
Einschreibeschlüssel / Enrollment Key: GC_RDM_2023
Kursname / Course name: “Research Data and Research Data Management”
Einschreibeschlüssel / Enrollment Key: GC_RDM_2023