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Service center for Research Data Management in Digital Humanities

An offering of the LMU Center for Digital Humanities/ITG and the University Library of Ludwig-Maximilians-Universität München
The logo of The LMU Center for Digital Humanities. It shows three overlapping circles with the letters ITG in the intersection.
The LMU Center for Digital Humanities (ITG) defines itself as a competence and data centre for the Digital Humanities, drawing on over 30 years of experience with digital projects in research and teaching. It is responsible for the entire field of Humanities and Cultural Studies at LMU Munich. Its organisation is based on a cross-faculty and interdisciplinary concept, and its areas of responsibility include (a) IT infrastructure, (b) digital research & teaching and (c) research data management. The ITG is committed to the principles of Open Access and FAIR in order to ensure maximum availability, transparency, verifiability and sustainability of research software (including data, results, code). The ITG promotes cooperation between the humanities, computer science, statistics and computational linguistics. Its aim is to further expand the interdisciplinary dialogue and thus generate synergy effects for all participants. Teaching data literacy and raising awareness of the sustainability of research data forms an essential basis for the dialogue between the disciplines.
The UB of LMU Munich can build on established know-how in the field of indexing and making information accessible and has extensive experience in the field of metadata management. This expertise is applied in research data management, where the focus is on the provision, re-use and safeguarding of research data. With the institutional repository Open Data LMU, the first in a series of services in RDM was created in 2010 and has recently been expanded to include further tools, such as a web-based application for creating data management plans (DMPs) with RDMO. With institutional memberships in DataCite and ORCID, there is also a great deal of expertise in the area of persistent identifications, from which the RDM-DH Service Centre profits.
The logo of the university library of LMU Munich. It shows the letters UB.